How to fix Mozilla issue in Windows 10

 Mozilla Firefox support phone number

Technical errors or software issues related to your Firefox browser can be quite frustrating because it comes in the way of your work. Even though Mozilla Firefox is compatible with different operating systems, there are times when Windows 10 users have trouble accessing the internet using the browser. Whenever you find that the Mozilla issue in Windows 10 keeps occurring repeatedly, you should call the Mozilla Firefox helpline number and ask for help. Apart from the advanced solutions recommended by experts there are some basic troubleshooting steps you can take to fix the Mozilla issue in Windows 10 on your own. This blog will give you a general overview of what you need to do then your Firefox browser encounters an error.

Solutions to fix Mozilla issue in Windows 10

·        Solution 1: Restart your Computer: Rebooting or restarting your Windows 10 device will free up Random-access memory (RAM) space so that your system functions more efficiently.

·        Solution 2: Clear Firefox's cookies and cache: Open your Mozilla Firefox browser and go to the ‘History’ section to clear the cookies and cache and then check if the issue is fixed.

·        Solution 3: Restart Firefox in Safe Mode: The Firefox Safe Mode features is a simple troubleshooting mode that turns off hardware acceleration allows you to run the browser using the default toolbar settings.

·        Solution 4: Reinstall Firefox: If you find that the Mozilla issue in Windows 10 occurs because of a problem with one of the Firefox program files then you will need to reinstall the software to fix the error.

·        Solution 5: Create a new Firefox profile: When you create a new, additional profile for your account your Firefox profile folder will not contain any of your old data that may be causing the issue.

If you need additional information about how to implement the solutions mentioned above you can call the Mozilla Firefox phone number and ask for assistance. Experienced software technicians are certified experts are available 24 hours a day to help you troubleshoot any error connected to your Mozilla Firefox browser.

Source URL: How to fixMozilla issue in Windows 10


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